• Worship in every season, every trials, going through grief, abuse, loss... is hard but it is a choice !

    If we choose to let go of bitterness, pain, and unforgiveness and decide instead to learn to know His heart we can experience His joy and peace.

    Because His peace does not depend on circumstances : "

    Worship is a key to be fully healed and restored : when we worship, we allow God to change and mold us deep inside. Our focus is on God and not on our earthly problems. The situation may not change at once but if our focus does, we will not be stricken by fear, discouragement or despair.

    God is a good father and He understands every single trial we go through. When Jesus walked on this earth, He was both God and human which means he has undergone the same temptations and heartaches that we suffer on this earth.



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    Thankfulness is the key / Etre reconnaissant est la clé


    I realize more and more that the reason I'm happy is that I choose to be thankful for every little things God gives me.

    It is the greatest year of my life: I know I am at the right place doing this internship, living in this host family and being part of this church.

    I am thankful I am able to be a blessing to so many people. How I receive is huge too! God showers his love upon me every day and he gives me a deep love for my friends and  my students.

    Jesus is amazing and as I choose to focus my eyes on Him, I am filled with joy!

    In hard times it can seem very difficult to be optimistic and thankful, but we can always find something, even if it's small, that is a blessing from God! Because He is here through it all.

    When we feel down, let's find at least three things we can be thankful for, and then the atmosphere will change!

    Let's worship instead of complaining because it honors Him and strenghtens us!

    All glory be to Jesus, the King of Kings! He's so worthy!

    Psalm 27 v6 : " I will sing and make music to the Lord"


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  • In Joshua 1, it is repeated 4 times! It proves that we have to listen to it.

    Life is never easy, we have to go through seasons, sometimes very tough, but let's never forget that Jesus is with us!

    He has promised he will never leave or forsake us (Joshua 1 v 5 and 9)

    What a powerful encouragement! We are weak but by Jesus's presence and grace we become strong and courageous, as He empowers us to become the way we were created!

    Let's keep this truth in mind today as we face our responsabilities. We are not alone!

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    Overcoming fears and lies/ Surmonter nos peurs et les mensonges (October 29 2014)


    Most of us, even Christians, even conscious of God's amazing love for us, still have to face fears and lies, coming from the devil.

    How do we react? Do we let ourselves be discouraged, sad and anxious?

    Or do we lift our eyes up, to Jesus who is the solution to everything?

    Do we choose to remember of His love, His faithfulness, His abundant blessings on our lives?

    God showed me something to do today, and I challenge each one of you to do the same:

    Take a sheet of paper and write down all your fears and what you know as a lies on your life. Do not be afraid of being honest and true because Jesus knows everything already!

    Then, tear it in pieces and proclaim that Jesus has overcome your fears and lies at the cross! It was final, He has paid the price for you! You can now proclaim the truth on your life!

    Be blessed and live your life to the fullest =)


    La plupart d'entre nous, même chrétiens, même conscient du merveilleux amour de Dieu pour nous, devons toujours faire face à des peurs et des mensonges qui viennent de l'ennemi.

    Comment réagissons-nous? Est ce qu'on se laisse décourager, être triste ou stressé?

    Ou est ce qu'on choisit de lever nos yeux vers Jésus qui est la solution à tout?

    Est ce qu'on choisit de se rappeler de Son amour, de Sa fidélité et de Ses bénédictions abondantes sur nos vies?

    Dieu m'a poussé à faire quelque chose aujourd'hui et je veux vous mettre au défi de faire de même:

    Prenez une feuille de papier et écrivez toutes vos peurs et les mensonges qui sont sur vos vies. N'ayez pas peur d'être honnête et vrai parce que Jésus connaît déjà tout!

    Puis déchirez-la et proclamez que Jésus a pris vos peurs et ces mensonges à la croix! C'était terminé, il a payé le prix pour vous! Vous pouvez maintenant proclamer la vérité sur vos vies!

    Soyez bénis et vivez votre vie à fond =)



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  • Oh Jesus your presence! It changes everything!

    When I am discouraged, sad or tired, and I choose to lift up my eyes to you, your joy fills my heart again!

    No one but you can fully satisfy!

    I love you Jesus, you are Everything!

    You are the Creator, the Lover, the Father, you are AMAZING, God!


         Never give up because Jesus is so close!

       He is  almighty!

    ALL solutions to our problems are in Him!

    Jesus is the King of the Kings and his kingdom endures forever!

    Glory to the Lamb!



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